‘Logging must go’ – national push to protect public native forests.
Dr Jennifer Sanger
Australian Forest Network | 27.08.2021.
We call on State and Federal Governments to:
1. Immediately stop the logging and all other forms of degradation in our public native forests;
2. Develop stronger regulations and incentive programmes to encourage private landholders to protect and restore forests;
3. Invest in the management of forests for biodiversity, carbon storage and catchment integrity, including the restoration of degraded native forests. This will create a wide range of regional jobs in forest management;
4. Recognise the rights and interests of First Nations in the public forest estate and genuinely consult and negotiate on future forest management;
5. End public subsidies across the logging industry;
6. Ban the use of native forest wood as biomass for electricity generation;
7. Invest in ecologically-sensitive farm forestry plantings for biodiversity and timber.