Activism | Media Releases
Another Win Pending for South East Forest Rescue. SEFR. 23.09.2021.
“Chipmill’s move closer to monopoly must be stopped”. SERCA. 28.07.2021.
Community Outrage at Logging in MOGO Without EPA Bushfire Rules. South East Forest Rescue. 07.06.2021.
Let’s Stop Logging The Little That’s Left. Conservation Groups Call for the End to Native Forest Logging. South East Forest Rescue. 31.03.2021.
Cliff edge plunge for native forest profits as Forestry Corporation engages in damaging post-fire logging. David Shoebridge. Greens MP and Forests spokesperson. 30.03.2021.
Logging must not resume on the South Coast. SERCA. 16.03.2021.
Legal Action Launched Against Council Consent for Eden Woodchip Mill Proposal Following Bushfires. South East Forest Rescue. 19.02.2021.
Call for halt to Yambulla logging. SERCA. 24.09.2020.
Conservationists urge stronger Federal protection for forest wildlife. SERCA. 12.06.2020.
SERCA says to ‘no’ chipmill expansion. 06.05.2020.
With 80 per cent of South Coast forests burnt- now is the time to end native forest logging. SERCA. Harriett Swift. 11.02.2020.
Comment on Fires. SERCA. Harriett Swift. 01.2020
Forest groups call for halt to logging in drought and bushfire crisis. Harriett Swift. SERCA. 11.12.2019. Letter to the Premier from forest conservation groups. Call for a native forest logging moratorium as a result of unprecedented wildfires across NSW.
Logging while NSW burns. SERCA. 29.11.2019
50th Anniversary of Woodchipping: Eviction Notice delivered to chipmill owners. The usual suspects. 28.11.2019
Woodchipping is South Coast’s Adani: 50 year scorecard launched. Harriett Swift. Deputy Convenor, SERCA. 13.11.2019
Andrews’s government takes welcome step towards improved management and protection of some of Victoria’s amazing native forests. Amelia Young. Wilderness Society. 07.11.2019.
“Right to Farm Bill” aims to criminalise woodchip protests. Harriett Swift, Deputy Convenor, SERCA. 26.09.2019.
Senate Committee warned, new logging laws may mean worse outcomes for forest wildlife. Harriett Swift, Deputy Convenor, SERCA. 21.08.2019.
Social license of logging: Open letter to federal election candidates. | Bega District News, Letters to the Editor. Harriett Swift, Deputy Convenor, SERCA. 14.05.2019.
Labor forest policy more threat than promise. Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 01.03.2019.
Opinion: A life and death election. Dalian Pugh. EchoNet Daily. 03.05.2019.
Pollies must tackle this issue. Rebecca Fist. Kiama Independent. 22.04.2019
Greens welcome acknowledgement from federal agriculture minister and Victorian environment minister that native forest logging is unsustainable. Janet Rice. 28.03.2019.
Lack of Commonwealth accountability means forests destined to go the same way as rivers. Wilderness Society, North East Forest Alliance, NPANSW, SERCA, North Coast Environment Council Inc. 17.01.2019.
New Eden Wood Supply Agreements “fudging” the truth. Harriett Swift, Deputy-Convenor SERCA. 09.01.2019.
We must ask politicians stop logging public native forests and burning forests for electricity to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Dalian Pugh. 08.01.2019.
Renewing Regional Forest Agreements a huge mistake. Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 01.12.2018
Native forest logging has lost public support. SERCA. 14.11.2018.
We must stop logging of public native forests to avoid the worst impacts of global warming. Dalian Pugh. North East Forest Alliance. 09.10.2018
Woodchip Logs “Given Away” – New Figures Reveal. Chipstop.19.09.2018.
News breakfast and midday news .ABC. 29.08.2018
Some Brief Observations About Proposed Changes to the RFAs, IFOAs and WSAs. Sean Burke. 28.08.2018.
Logging of public native forests has lost its social licence. Dailan Pugh, North East Forest Alliance. 26.06.2018
Conservation protest: native forests are not a ‘magic pudding’. Chipstop. Harriett Swift, 07.06.2018
David Lindenmayer on Brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park. Radio National. 07.06.2018.
Paul Payten on Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals information sessions. Radio National. 07.06.2018.
Fate of koalas doomed in NSW under new Government strategy. Animal Justice Party. 23.05.2018
‘Fantasy documents’: recovery plans failing Australia’s endangered species. Lisa Cox. 02.2018
South Coast spotted gums to be sacrificed for Victorian over-logging. Chipstop. 22.02.2018
Regional forest campaigners say consultations a “sham”. Harriett Swift, Chipstop. 30.01.2018
Parliamentary Question Reveals One in Four Trees Logged for Firewood. Harriett Swift, Chipstop. 24.10.2017
NSW Government Report Card on the Environment. Nature Conservation Council. 03.2017
New Annual Report reveals yet another native forest logging loss for Forestry Corporation. Chipstop. 04.12.2016.
Further Illegal Logging Exposed In Tantawangalo State Forest. Scott Daines, South East Forest Rescue. 22.11.2016.
New report on native forest logging gives “thumbs down” to Eden woodchipping. Harriett Swift. SERCA. 05.2016.
Loggers Turn Up The Heat On Forests. Lorraine Bower. AFCA. 20.04.2016
Reject Desperate Push For Government Ret Subsidies To Burn Native Forests For Industrial Heat. Peg Putt. 19.04.2016
Independent Report Backs SERCA’s Call to End Subsidies to Native Forest Logging. SERCA. 21.03.2016.
South East State Forests Floral Reserve. Dave Gallan, Kim Taysom. National Parks Association. 01.03.2016.
Forest Campaigners Welcome Coastal Flora Reserves, but there is a Downside. Harriett Swift. Chipstop. SERCA. 01.03.2016
Conservation groups withdraw from Mike Baird’s predetermined biodiversity reforms. Various conservation groups. 19.02.2016
Penny Sharpe Inspects South Coast Forests. Noel Plumb. SEFA. 04.02.2016
Video: Nature Conservation Council of NSW: Wins for 2015 Kate Smolski. NCC. 22.12.2015
Forests critical to Paris climate pledge says Greg Hunt but will the logging stop?. SERCA. 14.12.2015
South Coast forests a ‘fire bomb’ ready to ignite. Chipbusters, Friends of Durrass. 08.12.2015
South East Forest Rescue Condemns the Latest in an Ongoing String of Illegal Logging of SE Forests. SEFR 30.11.2015
Heavy Logging Blights Gateway to Nature Coast and Raises Fire Risks. Chipbusters, Friends of Durras. 25.11.2015
Senator Colbeck contradicts secret government and ANU forest research Scientists’ findings. SERCA. 21.07.2015
South Coast Koalas Directly Threatened by New Laws to Burn Forests for Electricity. By Chipbusters and Prue Acton OBE. 25 June 2015.
Native Forests Should Not be used as a Bargaining Chip, Says Conservation Group Australian Forests and Climate Alliance. 08.05.2015.
Koalas Face Extinction without Forest Exit Plan. SERCA. 16.03.2015
Conservation groups now united in calling for an end to logging in state native forests. North East Forest Alliance. 10.02.2015
Logging National Parks will not help south east woodchipping industry Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 09.10.2013
Put Australia’s extinction crisis on the election agenda Prue Acton. Serca. 29.08.2013
Handing Over Environmental Approvals to States Threatens Nature and Business The Wilderness Society, Australian Conservation Foundation, Wwf-Australia, Humane Society International. 20.08.2013
Mike Kelly tells voters Labor will resist industry pressure for native forests to be eligible for Renewable Energy Credits. Prue Acton. SERCA. 04.08.2013
Conservationists call for Logging Contracts to be Canned Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 01.08.2013
NSW opens door for replacing Woodchips with Energy Industry Harriet Swift. Chipstop. 14.07.2013
Review of plans for hunting in National Parks a matter of urgency. John Perkins, Friends of Durras.08.07.2013
Hands off Royal Camp Koalas Dailan Pugh 07.07.2013
New Woodchip Rates Subsidy Revealed. Keith Hughes. 09.06.2013
‘Was that a gun?’ Hunting in National Parks may begin in the near future, and locals are worried. John Perkins, Friends of Durras. 31.05.2013
Conservationists Call for the End to Million Dollar Subsidies of Native Forest Logging. South East Forest Rescue. 21.06.2013
SEFE makes another (bigger) loss Chipstop. 20.05.2013
Japanese Forest Campaigners visit South East Forests Chipstop. 21.04.2013
New Report Scuttles Environmental Claims for Native Forest Based Bioenergy. Peg Putt. www.marketsforchange.org 16.04.2013
Logging and Bio-Energy Industries Must Come Clean on Native Forests AFCA 14.04.2013
Australia’s native forests are at the crossroads What lies behind the biomass push? 04.2013
Government Closes door on Native Forest Wood Fired Energy Chipstop. Harriett Swift. 21.03.2013
Hunters are coming to a National Park (very) near you. John Perkins, Friends of Durras. 19.03.2013
Forestry Corp may undermine increased protections for Tanja Koalas. Friends of Chinnock. 14.02.2013
Government ‘shooting-in-parks’ plan in disarray. John Perkins, Friends of Durras Inc. 21.02.2013
Chipmill Pellet Plant Scrapped Chipstop. 21.02.2013
Truth about woodchip contract could “wind up Eden woodchip exports business” Harriett Swift. 11.01.2013
Walkers advised to enjoy the last gun-free summer in South Coast National Parks John Perkins. Coastwatchers. 23.12.2012
Breaches In Tantawangalo State Forest. Lisa Stone. South East Forest Rescue. 22.11.2012
NSW Parliament Ignores Hundreds of Years of Legal Rights. Lisa Stone. South East Forest Rescue. 18.11.2012
Larissa Waters’ Bill to prevent Gillard weakening EPBC. Emergency intervention to stop Gillard’s attack on environment laws. Brendan Sydes, Lauren Caulfield. 27.11.2012
Forests primed for profit. David Shoebridge. MLC. 17.11.2012
Logging in National Parks on the Cards after Env. Min. Dodges questions in Budget Estimates Luke Foley, MLC. Shadow Min for Env and Climate Change. 11.10.2012
Forest Carbon Study welcomed and volunteer contribution recognised. The Wilderness Society. 06.09.2012
Timber illegally felled at South East Forest National Park. Office of Environment & Heritage. 20.06.2012 High resolution photos for news media
Upper House Passes Legislation that Allows 751 National Parks to be Opened to Hunters Luke Foley, MLC Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change. 21.06.2012
Federal Government Biodiversity Funding Puts the Fox in Charge of the Henhouse. SERCA 09.05.2012
Robyn Parker Strikes Again – Claims She is Saving Koalas…in Forest She Has Already Logged Luke Foley, Shadow Min for Env. and Climate Change. 09.05.2012
NSW Koalas Added To Nationally Threatened Species List. Message To Robyn Parker: Logging Does Not Protect Koalas. Luke Foley MLC Shadow Minister For Environment and Climate Change, 30.04.2012
NSW Forests Given Green Light to Decimate Threatened South Coast Koalas. SERCA. Prue Acton, Harriett Swift. 01.05.2012
Burke’s Strzelecki Koala Failure is Plantation Industry’s Win. Anthony Amis, Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Suzie Zent, Friends of Gippsland Bush. 30.04.2012
WIN FOR THE FORESTS NOT OAKESHOTT: Australian Forests Narrowly Escape Furnaces Australian Forest and Climate Alliance 19.03.2012
Forest Furnace Bid Fails. Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 19.03.2012
Oakeshott Throws Lifeline to Woodchippers Friends of the NCEC, Susie Russell, 13.02.12
Statement on Pellet Plant Approval Keith Hughes, 08.02.2012
Third Time Lucky for Woodchippers. Pellet Plant Approved for Eden SERCA 08.02.2012
Labor Calls for Tenfold Increase in Penalties for Illegal Forests NSW Operations. Luke Foley 02.04.2012
First Australian Native Forest Wood Pellet Plant Set to Shore Up Logging and Increase Risk of Fire Inferno in South East Prue Acton 02.02.2012
Activists At Loggerheads With Forests NSW, Not Contractors. South East Forest Rescue 01.02.2012
Ministers Decision Corrupt – Bago Yellow Bellied Glider Population Destruction Conservation Groups Call For ICAC Inquiry Into Corrupt Decision. Lisa Stone 19.12.2011
Parker Approves Logging Habitat of Endangered Yellow Bellied Glider. Luke Foley. 18.12.2011
Logging Industry Puts Far South Coast at Greater Risk Of Extreme Fires. Prue Acton 05.12.2011
Conservation Groups Take on Mining Giant. Lisa Stone, Convenor Serca 21.11.2011
Chipmill Dioxin Claims Backed By State Government Document. Harriett Swift 20.11.2011
Parker Clobbered on Koalas – Mid North Coast Councils Demand Minister Stop Logging and Protect Our National Icon Luke Foley 18.11.11
Bushland Battle: Biodiversity Or Bioenergy? Media Alert for Dr Judith Ajani’s ANU Lecture, 10.11.2011
Environment Minister Claims “Logging Protects Koalas” Breaks Election Promise To Protect Koalas, Luke Foley, MLC Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change. 27.10.2011
Woodchipping Is Not Good For Koalas. Harriett Swift 28.10.2011
Last of Mumbulla Forest Defendants “Not Guilty”. Harriett Swift, 09.10.2011
Japanese Paper Giant Threatens Koala Survival, SERCA, 09.10.11
Koala Crunch Time: Logging of Koala Habitat in Compartment 2069, Bermagui State Forest 07.09.2011
Critical South East Koala Population Under Immediate Threat From Logging, Jane Garcia, 05.10.2011
Forests NSW surprise move on Tanja Logging. Jamie Shaw 04.10.2011
Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon speaks on climate change and protection of native forests at Forests and Climate Forum, Canberra 13.8.2011
“Money for nothing and your chips for free” Nature Net. Naomi Edwards. 12.08.2011
Leading Australian climate-change scientist calls for review of public forest management Prof.Brendan Mackey. 12.08.2011
Forests and Climate Forum takes on political and union no go area Nature Net. 12.08.2011
Executive director of the global carbon project says Australia could benefit enormously by leaving forests in the ground Nature Net. Dr Pep Canadell 12.08.2011
Powerful Political Statement by Australia’s Leading Photographers Prue Acton Richard Green 07.08.2011
Bermagui Forest Funeral Suzanne Foulkes 10.08.2011
Conference to Confront Tasmanian Forest Deal Fallout. Nature Net 06.08.2011
Woodchipping for pulp had been the downfall of the S.E Forests. Sam Davis 06.08.2011
State Government Declares Logging War on Far South Coast Koalas. Keith Hughes 05.08.2011
New report unearths systemic illegal logging practices in NSW’s native forests Nature Conservation Council. Jane Garcia. 28.07.2011 b
Protest in Bermagui State Forest South East Forest Rescue 25.07.2011
One Million Dollars A Day To Woodchip South East Forests SERCA 14.07.2011
Bermagui’s Forest Vigil Packs a Punch Sam Davis 11.07.2011
Forests NSW began logging of Compartment 2001 of Bermagui State Forest today. SEFR 21.06.2011
Bega Shire Council Takes Less Than 5 Minutes to Open Door to Wood Based Energy Industry Harriet Swift 14.06.2011
“Reject it, or at Least Stop it Bludging on Other Rate Payers”. Response to Approval for Eden Chipmill Pellet Plant. Jane Salmon 14.06.2011
Bega Valley Shire Council gives green light for native forests to go up in smoke Nature Conservation Council of NSW 15.06.2011
SERCA Natural Forests – Australia’s wilderness coast Sydney Photographic Exhibition 07.06.2011
SERCA Natural Forests – Australia’s wilderness coast Bermagui Photographic Exhibition 07.06.2011
Scientific Reports Recommend a Halt to Native Forest Logging South East Forest Rescue 03.03.2011
PM Gillard Urged to Take Garnaut’s Advice and Include Forests in Climate Policies Australian Forests and Climate Alliance 03.03.2011
Mumbulla Logging Protest and Native Title Cases Reach Court 02.02.11
Court appearances of a Bega Valley Shire Councillor and others Keith Hughes 01.02.2011
Global focus on forests highlights the need to protect, not burn Australia’s forests for power Lorraine Bower, Jill Redwood 01.02.2011
Loophole In New Climate Agreement To Increase Emissions By 1 Billion Tonnes Natasha Webb, Vrginia Young
DECCW release South Coast Regional Conservation Plan
Environmental Defenders Office Serves Summons On Forests NSW South East Forest Rescue 1.11.10
Forest Defenders Win Court Change Harriett Swift, 1.11.2010
Old Growth Logged Because ForestsNSW ran out of batteries SEFR 10.2010
Forest Activist becomes Chipmill Shareholder in the company that owns the Eden Chipmill Harriett Swift 10.10
Special Protection Zones Logged South East Forest Rescue, 10.10
Forest Forum: conclusions Mike Thompson, 09.10
Liberal and Labor Will Both Burn Forests for Electricity if Elected Conservation Groups Warn of Voter Anger. SERCA and ChipBusters 08.10
Election outcomes good for forests in Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New South Wales and a Blow to Woochip-fired Power Stations Various conservationists. 08.10
Liberal and Labor forest policies an environmental disaster Louise Morris, Conservation Association WA, 08.10
Liberal and Labor In Reckless Auction With Taxpayer Dollars For Woodchip Votes. ChipBusters 08.10
A Vote for the Forests is a Vote for the Future, ChipBusters, South East Region Conservation Alliance, Huon Valley Environment Centre, Still Wild Still Threatened, My Environment, Environment East Gippsland, Western Australian Forest Alliance. 08.10
Environmentalists Challenge Abbott on Marine and Forests Conservation SERCA, Chipbusters, Chipstop 08.10
Abbot and Gazard harming economic viability of the Far South Coast, bad mouthing Batemans Marine Park Friends of Durras. John Perkins
Julia can leap forward on climate change right now with consensus – just save the forests, not woodchip and burn them. Prue Acton, Noel Plumb 07.10
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Kevin Rudd Will Let Forests Burn for ‘Green’ Electricity. ChipBusters 06.10
NSW government is complicit in an act of environmental vandalism Lee Rhiannon 06.10
Time Garrett backed call for koala listing upgrade to ‘vulnerable’ Lee Rhiannon 05.10
Mumbulla Woodchip Protest – 4 Arrests on 49th Day of Protest Determined Community Will Not Give Up SERCA 17.05.10
Conservationists and community activists capture $3 million dollars worth of heavy logging machinery SERCA 17.05.10
Loggers’ Union Tries to Expoloit Koala Crisis South East NSW, Australia serca 05.10
Logging Equipment Seized by Proesters in Koala Woodchip Protest SERCA 04.10
Contradictions Build in Koala Woodchip Protest CHIPBUSTERS 04.10
New Koala Find In South East Forests Woodchip Battle SERCA 04.10
“Eden Dead Koala Power = Biomassacre” Chipstop, Chipbusters, SERCA 04.10
Eden wood-fired power station would be koala and climate killer John Kaye 04.10
South East Forests Woodchip Protest Escalates as Expert Slams Forests NSW Koala Survey SERCA 04.10
Massive New Woodchip Threat To South East Forests NSW, “Dead Koala Power” Joint serca 04.10
Tanja State Forest residents meet with State Forest reps. Richard Blakers 22.03
Residents call for dialog with State Forests over logging Richard Blakers 04.10
Outrageous Woodchip Bid to Burn NSW South East Forests for Electricity Rudd and Keneally Governments Join Woodchippers in Deadly Embrace. Noel Plumb 04.10
Hostility to “Koala Logging” Grows. Chipstop, Aust Koala Foundation & serca 03.10
Conservationists Furious at Green Light for Koala Forest Logging. Harriett Swift 03.10
Earth Hour — Keeping the Lights On for South East Koalas Joint serca MR
Mumbulla forest and Bega NSW Australia 03.10
Conservationists Challenge Chipmill to Seek FSC Certification Harriett Swift 02.10
Outrage over Koala Logging Harriett Swift 02.10
Loggers are set to destroy one of Australia’s last remaining koala habitats. J. Hibberd P. Acton 16.02
Call to Keneally: Don’t kiss last koalas goodbye Prue Acton 01.10
Forests, Climate and Woodchips: The Burning Issue. SERCA. 2009.
Campaigners’ Conviction Quashed. Sean Burke. 02.10.09.
Green Carbon: The role of natural forests in carbon storage. The proposed emissions trading scheme could have a devastating effed on wood harvesting. Dr Judith Ajani.
In New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, logging is destroying the fabric of our unique native forests. Prue Acton. 20.09.09.
Arrest of Campaigners at Bermagui. 15.09.2009.
Canberra Times, Carbon forests being included in an Emissions Trading Scheme 06.12.08 .pdf 32kb
ABC/AFP, Old forests absorb CO2 too: News in Science, 11.09.2008 .pdf 89kb
Two Conservationists Arrested in Tasmania’s Threatened Weld Valley. Jenny Weber 10.09
Cable Logging Destruction Halted in Weld Valley, Tasmania. Jenny Weber 10.09
Bega joins global climate wake-up call Keith Hughes 21.09.09 Weblink
SMH, Chips are down for loggers, Marian Wilkinson 22.09.2008 .pdf 11kb
Bega joins global climate wake-up call 21.09.2009
In New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, logging is destroying the fabric of our unique native forests. Prue Acton. 21.09.09
What a welcome Bermagui holiday makers will receive this summer. Prue Acton. 09.2009
Artists Show Beauty Of South East Wild Forests 20.09.09
Let’s keep Bermagui’s future options open Dane Wimbush and Heather Kenway 09.09
Arrest of Campaigners at Tilba for viewing Bermagui logging area Tony Whan 15.09.09.
The Australian,Forests to the rescue on climate. Matthew Franklin and Siobhain Ryan, 04.09.2008 .pdf 92kb
The Australian: Ross Garnaut recommends focus on greenhouse emissions. 08.09.2008 .pdf 12kb September
ABC, Green group rallies PM on forest protection 09.09.2008 .pdf 77kb
Logging at northern gateway to Bermagui Prue Acton 13.09.09
Destruction Of Tasmania’s Ancient Forests. Lisa Stone 01.09.09
Forests NSW above the law when it comes to fire and logging. Keith Hughes 30.08.09
Response to call for submissions on the Eden regional forest agreement Harriett Swift 20.08.09
Big fight ahead for local conservationists with passage of renewable energy bill Harriett Swift 20.08.09
Conservationists Do Not Support Eden Chipmill Wood Fired Power Station, Harriett Swift 06.08.09
“Protect Wildlife from Logging” say Chipmill Protesters H Swift and L Stone 30.06.2009
Comments on the Tourism Master Plan for Australia’s Coastal Wilderness Mick Harewood 09.06.2009
FNSW excludes greenies from forest tour. John Hibberd. June 2009
Greens in vigorous pursuit of forests solution in climate change. Spokesperson Bob Brown Friday 05.06
Forests the new front for Climate solutions: Australian Forest and Climate Alliance. From the Forest and Climate meeting held at ANU 29-30.01.2009
Supreme Court to halt logging Jill Redwood 14.09.09
Brown Mt. Potoroo proves Jennings wrong Jill Redwood 08.09
Legal injunction set to stop logging Jill Redwood 08.09
VicForests sued for illegal logging Jill Redwood 08.09
Bay Post: Bay protest goes up in wood smoke. Sam Groves
John Kaye, Rees government fast-tracks koala-killing power station proposal 24.02.09
Forums on how native forests combat climate change. John Hibberd. Prue Acton. 2009
Forests, the new front for climate solutions. AFCA. 01.2009
Coastwatchers say no to biomass burner. M. Flemming. 12.2008
“2,000,000,000 Tonnes of carbon into forests. 10.08.2008 .pdf 23kb
Coastwatchers say no to biomass burner 07.12.2008 .pdf 99kb
Regional conservationists join national condemnation of Rudd’s low greenhouse target 16.12.08 .pdf 39kb
Forums on how native forests combat climate change .pdf 11kb
South Coast call to stop logging natural native forests and protect climate .pdf 13kb
White Paper brings woodchip power a step closer, Bega Rural News, H.Swift 19.12.08 .pdf 36kb
Article for National Parks Journal, Harriett Swift .pdf 52kb
Bega District News: Icon forest threatened by state forests. 08.01.2008
World-first study finds 3 times more carbon in Aussie Forests than previously known. ANU 05.08.2008 .pdf 30kb
SMH,Logging bigger risk than realised, Ben Cubby Environment Reporter, 05.08.2008 .pdf 24kb
Dr Judith Ajani: proposed emissions trading scheme
Dr Judith Ajani, Carbon rush could devastate wood industry 03.09.2008 .pdf 19kb