Activism | Submissions
Paul Payten. | 13.10.2021.
Seán Burke. Gulaga Protection Group.| 27.09.2021.
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance. | 27.09.2021.
Nature Conservation Council. Attachment. | 27.09.2021.
Mick Harewood | 23.09.2021.
Colong Foundation for Wilderness | 10.06.2021.
South East Forest Rescue | 08.06.2021.
Submission | 50 years of woodchipping Scorecard. | Compliance 2004 – 2014. | Great Southern Forest Brief. Gulaga Protection Group. 03.06.2021.
South East Region Conservation Alliance | 27.05.2021.
Skye Etherington | 27.05.2021.
National Parks Association Far South Coast Branch | 27.05.2021.
Friends of the Forest (Mogo) | 27.05.2021.
Michael Harewood | 27.05.2021.
Secretary, Coastwatchers | 13.05.2020.
Harriett Swift, Deputy Convenor, SERCA | 13.05.2020.
Seán Burke. Wallaga Lake | 13.05.2020.
Elizabeth Ingham, Secretary, Environment East Gippsland Inc. | 13.05.2020.
Mike Thompson. NatureNet | 13.05.2020.
Keith Hughes. Bega. 2550 | 13.05.2020.
Barbara Robertson. Bermagui. 2546 | 12.05.2020.
South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA) Inc.PO Box 797, Bega NSW 2550 | 12.05.2020.
Harriett Swift. Deputy Convenor, SERCA. Bega. 2550 | 18.05.2020.
Gloria Tommy, Bodalla, NSW. 17.04.2020.
Submission. | Attachment. Mike Thompson, NatureNet. 17.04.2020.
Jamie Shaw, Mogareeka, NSW, 2550 | 16.04.2020.
Nick Hopkins, Secretary, Eurobodalla Greens. 07.04.2020.
Submission. Mick Harewood, February 2020. | How Science, Diligence and Luck saved our Home. Mick Harewood, February 2020. | Report on the CSIRO/FCNSW Seminar on Prescribed Burning in Young Regrowth Forests. Mick Harewood. 1992
Gloria Tommy, Bodalla, NSW | 17.04.2020.
The Coastwatchers Association Management Committee, The Coastwatchers Association Inc | 04.2020
Submission. | Response to the Review’s questions. Heather Kenway, 17.04.2020.
Harriett Swift on behalf of South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA)
Submission. Seán Burke. April, 2020. | If a tree falls…Compliance Failures in the Public Forests of New South Wales. This report was prepared by the Environmental Defender’s Office (NSW), on behalf of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW. 2011. | Annual RFA Implementation Reports – Non-Compliance This table has been compiled from EPA Annual Reports.
Gary Dunnett, Executive Officer, National Parks Association of NSW.
Bega Valley Climate Resilience Strategy: Feedback on forest issues. Harriett Swift. SERCA. 12.2019.
Pentarch Forestry. Comments re consultation on management of high conservation values (HCVs) associated with its plantation wood supply activities for 2020. This relates to the certification of plantation hardwood chips produced at the Eden chipmill under FSC Controlled Wood. 12.2019
Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW to Parliament of NSW. Australian Forests and Climate Alliance. 20.09.2019.
Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW to Parliament of NSW. Nature Conservation Council of NSW. 20.09.2019.
Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW to Parliament of NSW. South East Region Conservation Alliance Inc. 12.09.2019.
Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW to Parliament of NSW. National Parks Association of NSW. 13.09.2019
Sustainability of Energy Supply and Resources in NSW to Parliament of NSW. The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd. 05.09.2019.
Feedback on Natural Resources Commission Draft Program Strategy for NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement. SERCA. 04.07.2019.
Complaint to CEO of FSC Australia from South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA) Inc. regarding Pentarch Forestry application for FSC Controlled Wood Certification. SERCA. 08.02.2019.
To Seán Burke, Response from Inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis. Christine McDonald, Secretary, State Environment and Communications References Committee, The Senate. 27.11.2018.
List of Submissions to the SSC Inquiry into Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis
Senate Inquiry on Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis. Seán Burke. 09.09.2018.
Attachment 1. NSW Regional Forest Agreements
Attachment 2. Annual RFA Implementation Reports – Non-Compliance
Attachment 3. Submission on the 2nd and 3rd Five Yearly Reviews of the NSW Regional Forest Agreements.
Attachment 5. Submission on the future of Regional Forest Agreements in NSW
Attachment 7. Fact Sheet 4 Regional Forest Agreements
Senate Environment and Communications References Committee on Australia’s faunal extinction crisis. Harriett Swift. Bega, NSW. 09.09.2018.
Submission to the SSC Inquiry into Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis. South East Forest Rescue. Response. Forest Corp.13.11.2018.
Link no longer active. Senate Inquiry on Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis. Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 2601
Renewing NSW Regional Forest Agreements – Consultation Summary. First published | August 2018
Independent review of the report on progress with the implementation of the New South Wales Regional Forest Agreements for the second and third five-yearly reviews 2004 – 2014 Ewan Waller Independent Reviewer April 2018
Seán Burke | Harriett Swift | Mick Harewood | SERCA, NPA FSC Branch, Great Southern Forest (Bronte Somerset) | Peter Day
Original complaint with detailed attachment: Questioning application of procedural justice principles within the NSW Government’s Regional Forest Agreement public submission process.03.02.2018
Letter to The Hon. Paul Toole, MP, Minister for Lands and Forestry, and Racing, advising of the complaint. 16.04.2018.
Response from DPI. 07.05.2018.
Response from EPA. 10.05.2018.
Critique of EPA and DPI Responses to the Ombudsman’s Office.
Complaint to the NSW Ombudsman’s Office re Coastal IFOAs. | 18.06.2018.
Ombudsman’s Office response to the complaint. Ms Sanya Silver | 08.10.2018.
Issues relating to the Ombudsman’s Office’s response to the complaint. Bronte Somerset | 18.10.2018.
Final review by the Ombudsman’s Office. Michael Barnes. Ombudsman. 18.12.2019.
Substantial new issues post implementation of the RFAs. Bronte Somerset. 04.02.2019
Submission to Inquiry into the Provisions of the Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill. Legislative Council Standing Committee on State Development. Chipstop. Harriett Swift. 30.05.2018
Submission to Forestry Corp re logging in Compartments 2003 and 2069. Gulaga Protection Group, Seán Burke. 02.2018
South East Forest Rescue | Harriett Swift | Mick Harewood | Virginia Casey | Great Southern Forest and NPA FSC Branch | Bronte Somerset | Elizabeth Hepburn | Seán Burke, Compliance 2004-2014, RFA (Dis)Agreements, The Regional Forest Agreement process in NSW | Heather Kenway, Attachment 1, Attachment 2 | Lisa Pfitzner | North Coast Environment Council |
Environment Defenders Office. Submission on A Report of Progress with Implementation of NSW Regional Forest Agreements: Second & Third five-yearly reviews July 2004–June 2014 (Progress Report)
Native Forest Logging under the microscope and it doesn’t look good. A Pictorial of Native Forest Logging under the Regional Forest Agreements. Compiled by the Dunns Creek Resident Action Group. 09.02.2018.
Letter to The Hon. Penny Sharpe, MLC from SERCA requesting delaying consultation until completion of RFA review. 02.2018
Group letter to Luke Foley in relation to extension of the Regional Forest Agreements. 20.02.2018
MR: Forestry Meetings are a Done Deal – citizens love for forests spurned. South East Forest Rescue. 14.02.2018
MR: from Paul Toole Minister for Lands and Forestry announcing negotiations on the future of forests. 21.11.2017
Save our Species submission. Seán Burke. 02.03.2017
Community requests intended for mitigation of harm and death to native wildlife and reduction of negative effects on the community caused by tree harvesting carried out by Forestry Corporation in each and every harvest compartment in NSW. Dunns Creek Action Group. Lisa Pfitzner. 05.11.2017.
Comments on SEPP 44 provisions for koala protection 12.02.2017.
Inquiry into flying-fox management in the eastern states. SERCA. 18.11.2016.
Speech to Bega Valley Shire Council. Geelong Trawler. Sven Helland. 18.05.2016
Biodiversity Legislation Review Various conservation groups. 19.02.2016
Brief: GREAT SOUTHERN FOREST. National Parks Association, SERCA, National Trust Far South Coast Branch. 01.09.2016
NSW Forest Management Plans / IFOA / RFA Reviews Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 20.11.2015.
Submission on Forest Industry Australia’s Strategic Direction Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 05.06.2015.
Inquiry into the Australian forestry industry Prue Acton. 05.06.2015.
Meeting future market demand: Australia’s forest products and forest industry—Forestry Industry Council. FIAC Secretariat, Forestry, Branch Department of Agriculture. Bronte Somerset, Richard Parker. 04.06.2015.
Nature.Net on Emissions Reduction Fund ‘Safeguard mechanism’ Consultation paper Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 27.04.2015.
IFOA Discussion Paper. Lois Katz. 07.04.2014
Submission on Coastal IFOA Remake. Tony Whan. SEFR. 07.04.2014
Submission on Coastal IFOAs remake discussion paper Heather Kenway. SERCA. 06.04.2014
Forests and Forestry policies for an Age of Uncertainty. What we are asking of the NSW Government. Heather Kenway. SERCA. 06.04.2014
Submission on Coastal IFOA Remake. Mike Thompson. NatureNet. 06.04.2014
Submission on IFOA Remake-14 years of forest failure. Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 01.04.2104
Submission on Forest Management’ Green Paper: Emissions Reduction Fund ‘buy-backs’ Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 21.02.2014
Draft EPBC Act referral guidelines for the vulnerable koala (combined populations of Queensland, NSW and the ACT). Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 01.2014
Draft Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Native Forest Bio-material) Regulation 2013 | SERCA Submission, H Kenway Attachments A, B, C and D | R Parker | B Somerset | H Swift, Chipstop | M Thompson, NatureNet 20.08.2013
Submission to the White Paper and Planning Review of the Government of New South Wales Friends of Durras. 06.2013
To the White Paper, New Planning System for NSW More holistic Regional Planning. Mike Thompson, NatureNet. 28.06.2013
Eurobodalla Koalas project Pilot Study Report Coastwatchers 01.2013
Inquiry Into the Status, Health and Sustainability of Australia’s Koala Population. Submission Regarding Koalas in SE NSW. Chris Allen, Bega.01.2013
Submission to the Senate Inquiry: The Effectiveness of Threatened Species and Ecological Communities’ Protection in Australia SERCA 01.2013
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012. SERCA. 01.2013.
Oakeshott Motion Briefing: Rationale for Opposing Changes to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Regulations 2011 (No.5) Which Would Include Using Native Forests in Wood Fired Electricity Generators
Dead Koala Pellets South East Regional Conservation Alliance, Prue Acton, Spokesperson 12.02.2012
Senate Committee Inquiry into The Effectiveness of Threatened Species and Ecological Communities’ Protection in Australia South East Forest Rescue 12.2012
Submissions to the Senate’s Inquiry: The effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities’ protection in Australia Harriett Swift 19; The Colong Foundation for Wilderness 43; SEFR 62; NCC 134; NPA 142; Prue Acton 152; SERCA 164. 12.2012
Submissions to Office of Heritage and Environment on Native Vegetation Regulations for Private Native Forests | Kim Taysom, NPA | Seán Burke, Gulaga Protection Board | Bronte Somerset 24.08.2012
Private members bill to the NSW Parlt. to increase penalties for illegal forestry operations tenfold Luke Foley, MLC Shadow Min. for Env. & Climate Change. 15.06.2012
The General Manager, Bega Valley Shire Council. Objection to Pambula Firewood establishment Harriett Swift 22.02.2012
Address to Council regarding the Nippon Paper Company’s Pellet Plant Application Lois Katz, 07.02.2012
Speech to Bega Valley Shire Council, Eden chipmill wood pellet plant Harriett Swift 07.02.2012
Speech to Bega Valley Shire Council opposing Eden Chip Mill’s Pellet Plant Development Application Bronte Somerset 17.01.2012
Transcript of FNSW’s presentation to the Senate’s Koala Inquiry Environment and Communications References Committee, C’wlth Aust. 01.08.2011
Evaluation of Senate’s Recommendations from their koala population Inquiry (from a SE NSW forests’ perspective), Bronte Somerset, SERCA 06.10.2011
Answers to Questions on Notice from Senate Inquiry FNSW 22.08.2011
Cortona Company’s Mining Proposal At Dargues Reef. Lois Katz 10.08.2011
Representations On Notice of an Application for Protection of Mumbulla, Murrah, and Bodalla State Forests Dr Christos Mantziaris from Lois Katz. 09.08.2011
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications. Inquiry into the status, health and sustainability of Australia’s koala population. Link no longer active. Far SE NSW contributors and their Submission numbers: Robert Bertram, No.14; Chris Allen, No.35; Jenny Spinks, No.53; Coastwatchers, No.54; John Hibberd, No.61; Prue Acton, No.84; Bronte Somerset, No.96. 08.2011
Eden Woodchip Mill Pellet Plant Bega Valley Shire Council DA 2011.35 Lot 16DP 10666187 Harriett Swift 24.05.2011
The Secretary Committee on Agriculture, Resources, Fisheries & Forestry. Subject: Submission to Inquiry into the Australian Forest Industry Mike Thompson, Facilitator, Nature.Net Pty Ltd. 24.03.2011 414kb
Re Eden woodchip mill pellet plant to Bega Valley Shire Council DA2011.35 Lot 16 DP 1066187. Prue Acton 24.02.2011 74kb
Re Eden woodchip mill pellet plant to Bega Valley Shire Council DA2011.35 Lot 16 DP 1066187. Bronte Somerset 21.02.2011 74kb Council response
To the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency on the Carbon Farming Initiative Dr Judith Ajani The Australian National University Fenner School of Environment and Society
Submission on criterion 5.6 to FSC AUSTRALIA Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 09.10 57kb
The Australian forestry industry’s financial crisis and the proposal from South East Fibre Exports (SEFE) to build a wood fired power station at its Eden woodchip mill Heather Kenway 06.10 112kb | Dr Kelly’s response to the above Submission. 32kb
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act for listing Koalas as Vulnerable. Prue Acton 06.10 48kb
The Eden Native Forest Fed Woodchip Power Station Proposal South East Forest Rescue 02.10 500kb
Forestmedia on South East Fibre Export’s Proposal to Build a Wood Fired Power Station at Eden Forestmedia 05.10 100kb
Biomass-Fired Power Station Major Project Application 09_0034 serca 05.10
World Wildlife Fund submission re SEFE 04.10 140kb
Submission Biomass-fired power station for Edrom, Twofold Bay. Mick Harewood, 04.10 108kb
SERCA Submission, Biomass-Fired Power Station, Major Project Application 09_0034 04.10 116kb 56kb
Submission by Canopy Native Forest Committee to Environmental Plaintiff Officer re proposed Eden Biomass-Fired Power Station. Graham Daly 04.10 56kb 56kb
Breaches of the IFOA by State Forests NSW (SFNSW) in Mumbulla State Forest Compartment No 2135. Bronte Somerset. 15.04.2010
Submission by Forestmedia on SEFE Environmental Assessment: Lorraine Bowers 21.04.10 100kb
To Australian Government on draft Native Vegetation Framework Mike Thompson. Nature.Net. 04.10 152kb
To Dept. of Planning re proposed wood fired power station, Lois Katz 04.10 36kb
Terrence Digwood submissions and letters: Briefing Notes: Meeting with Treasurer, Submission to NSW Dept Envt 14 Sept 2009, South Coast Southern output table and graphs March 2011, Letter to Minister Macdonald 13 May 2008
Draft Towamba Catchments Water Sharing Plan. Mick Harewood, 11.09
Attachment: Plantations and Reafforestation Act and Code Review. Mick Harewood 07.05
Regional Forest Agreement Review – Dept of Environment & Climate Change NSW John Hibberd for SERCA 09.09
Submission on the Draft Report on Progress with Implementation of the New South Wales RFAs Canopy Native Forest Committee, Total Environment Centre, Level 4, 78 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Graham Daly, Chairperson, 09.09
SERCA Submission to Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Inquiry into the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2009 and a related bill. Prue Acton 07.09
Biomass energy and the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target, Briefing paper for Senator Christine Milne, Prepared by Dr Jane Growns 07.09
Submission to the The Chair and Members of Australia’s Coastal Wilderness Committee Mike Thompson 10.06
Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry on Climate policy. Prue Acton 04.09
Submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bil Mick Harewood, 07.04.2009
Updated submission on emissions from State Forests. (2010-2020) Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy, NatureNet, Mike.Thompson. 06.04.09
Link no longer active. Submission on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. Green Paper Harriett Swift
Questions on Notice re Eden chipmill power station to the Minister for Environment and the Minister for Energy. John Kaye 30.03.09
Link no longer active Submission on the exclusion of native forest biomass from the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) Scheme – Exposure Draft Legislation. Coastwatchers 11.02.2009
SERCA submission on draft legislation on the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target scheme currently under consideration by the COAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water.
Submission on draft legislation for Renewable Energy Target scheme released for public comment, Harriett Swift, CHIPSTOP
Submission to Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, GreenPaper, Terence Digwood, 10.09.2008
Submission re discussion paper: Abatement incentives prior to the commencement of the Australian emissions trading scheme. Heather Kenway
Submission from COAG working group on climate change and water. Design Options for the Expanded National Renewable Energy Target Scheme. Harriett Swift, CHIPSTOP
Submission on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper, Harriett Swift.
Submission on working group on climate change and water. Design options for expanded national renewable energy target scheme. Coastwatchers. 20.07.2008
Submission to Dept of Climate Change on National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System Regulations Policy Paper by Heather Kenway
Submission to Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper, Forests, woodlands and healthy soils are good for carbon (and water) Plantations are good for wood and fibre products. Prue Acton.
Submission on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper Nature Net Mike Thompson, 07.2008
Submission to the Committee of Australian Governments (COAG) on Renewable Energy Target. Mike Thompson, 07.2008
Submission to The Director Renewable Electricity Markets Team Department of Climate Change by Prue Acton
Submission on Issues Paper 1 (Climate Change: Land use-Agriculture and Forestry) Mick Harewood, 01.2008
Submission in response to issues paper 1 Climate change: land use – agriculture and forestry. Coastwatchers Jenny Edwards 01.01.2008
Submission to Senate re Emision trading target, Senator Bob Brown, 01.12.2008
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper, NatureNet, 07.2008
Addendum to Submission to the Commonwealth Government on Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper. Peter J. Wood and Judith Ajani. 09.2008
Submission to Senate re logging Senator Bob Brown.
Submission for Garnaut Review Issues Paper 1 Climate Change: Land use – Agriculture and Forestry Comments by Heather Kenway
Submission to Garnaut Climate Change Review – final report Harriett Swift
Submission to Garnaut review, Terence Digwood
Submission on Ecologically Sustainable Forest Management Five-Year Review for the Eden Regional Forest Agreement. Mick Harewood, 04.2005.
Link no longer active. Submission by Aron Gingis Weblink
Notes prepared for the South Coast Water Management Committee re Seasonal Reductions in Water Yield due to Intensive Logging and Regeneration. Mick Harewood, 02.2000