Activism | Government Mail
Open Letter to Eurobodalla Business Chambers – Protest Mountain Bike State Forest. From Coastwatchers. 05.11.2021
Letter to Matt Kean MP, Minister for Energy and Environment. cc The Premier. Re: Issues re conduct of Bega Valley Shire Council (BVSC) voting on a Development Application (10-2020-81-1) for a Timber Optimisation Hub from the Eden chipmill owners, Allied Natural Wood Enterprises (ANWE). From Dr Bronte Somerset. 04.11.2021.
Letter to Matt Kean MP, Minister for Energy and Environment. Thanking him for the role he played in Bushfire Survivors Landmark Legal Win on Climate. From Bronte Somerset, Secretary. 19.09.2021.
Australian Forest Network Summit Position Statement. 10.08.2021
Letter from Matt Kean MP, Minister for Energy and Environment.To Deputy Convenor. Re: Native forest logging South Coast of NSW. 09.06.2021.
EPBC open letter for Kristy McBain MP.Seán Burke. 04.04.2021.
Breaches of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval – Condition 13 and Protocol 31. 15.03.2021.
Breaches of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval – Condition 13 and Protocol 31. 24.03.2021.
Letter to Kristy McBain MP. Re the EPBC.From Paul Payten 15.03.2021.
Letter from James Griffin MP, Parlt Sec. for the Environment and Veterans. To Bronte Somerset, SERCA. 10.05.2021.
Letter to Matt Kean MP. Min. for Energy and Environment, re stopping logging in south coast State Forests. From Harriett Swift. 15.03.2021.
Letter from Matt Kean MP. Min. for Energy and Environment, re logging in Yambulla State Forest. To Harriett Swift. 23.02.2021.
Letter to NSW EnviroLine, re felling of a hollow bearing tree (photo attached) during a recent logging operation in Mogo State Forest. Nick Hopkins, Coastwatchers. 31.12.2020.
An open letter to the Mayor of Eurobodalla Shire Council (Councillor Innes) On the first anniversary of the Black Summer bushfires. Various signatories including SERCA Inc. 31.12.2020.
Letter to The Hon Barilaro MP. Response to his letter re future of the forestry sector. Bronte Somerset. 29.10.2020.
Letter from The Hon Barilaro MP. Re future of the forestry sector. 16.09.2020.
Letter to The Hon. Andrew Constance MP: Submission Harvest Plan – Bodalla State Forest Compartment 3006. Gloria and Neville Tommy. Bodalla, NSW. 02.03.2020.
Letter from: The Prime Minister re resources for bushfires. To: Bronte Somerset. 05.02.2020.
Letter to: The Prime Minister re impact of climate change on bushfires and home loss. From Nick Hopkins, Malua Bay, NSW. 01.01.2020.
Letter to: The Premier NSW: Call for a native forest logging moratorium as a result of unprecedented wildfires across NSW. Jim Morrison. Colong Foundation. 09.12.2019.
Letter to: Peter Cochrane, Chair, Natural Resources Commission Forest Monitoring Steering Committee. After visiting three logging compartments 25.11.2019 with Patrick Baker and Peter Hairsine from the NRC Forest Monitoring Steering Committee and Todd Maher, Director Programs. Secretary. Coastwatchers. 29.11.2019.
Letter to: Premier Andrews and Minister D’Ambrosio. Re Victorian Govt’s announcement re stopping native forest logging. Dr Frances Perkins, Chair Far South Coast Branch of the National Trust. 09.11.2019
Open letter to all candidates for Eden-Monaro. Deputy-Convenor, SERCA. 09.05.2019.
Letter to: Liberal Candidate, Eden Monaro, Dr Fiona Kotvojs. Bronte Somerset. 21.04.2019. | Follow up letter. Plus notes from Meet the Candidates, Bermagui. Bronte Somerset. 08.05.2019.
Letter to: The Hon John Barilaro, MP, and The Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM, MP. Corn Trail Blocked over Easter for Mountain Bikes and Pack Horses. Secretary. Coastwatchers. 23.04.2019.
Letter to: The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP Premier. Re: Request to improve environmental outcomes. Kate Smolski, CEO Nature Conservation Council of NSW. 02.04.2019.
Letter to: Member for Bega re Logging of Compartment 3006 in Bodalla State Forest, and response. Gloria Tommy. 28.03.2019.
Letter to: The Hon. Paul Toole MP, Minister for Lands and Forestry, and Minister for Racing. Seeking environmentally valid reasons for re-signing the Eden RFA in 2019 and/or the Southern RFA in 2021. Bronte Somerset.19.02.2019.
To The Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, and Minister for Heritage. Seeking environmentally valid reasons for re-signing the Eden RFA in 2019 and/or the Southern RFA in 2021. Bronte Somerset.19.02.2019.
To Andrew Constance. Corunna State Forest, (Compartment 3058), near Central Tilba and Mystery Bay. Applicable to all State Forest Logging Policy and Procedures. Chris Jones. ND.2018.
To The Hon. Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia. Request for statement of reasons: Decisions to execute deeds of variation in relation to the NSW Regional Forest Agreements. Harriett Swift. Deputy-Covenor SERCA. 19.12.2018.
To The Hon David Littleproud MP, Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources; Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion, Minister for Indigenous Affairs; The Hon Melissa Price MP, Minister for the Environment. Forestry, Fisheries and Native Title. Wally Stewart, on behalf of the South Coast People Native Title Claimants. 11.11.2018.
To Chris Fraser, EPA Queanbeyan NSW. Re sighting of Masked Owl in Corunna State Forest. Nick Hopkins. 01.10.2018
From Commonwealth and NSW State Governments re signing of the NSW Regional Forest Agreements. ND
To Matthew Dejong, Department of Agriculture from Seán Burke. 17.09.2018 | Submission to the Senate Inquiry on Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis | Annual RFA Implementation Reports – Non-Compliance 2004-‘2014 | Independent review of the ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 Fact Sheet 4 Regional Forest Agreements
To Andrew Constance MP Member for Bega Re an exclusion zone for the vulnerable Masked Owl listed for protection under the Terms of the Threatened Species License for the South Coast Sub-region of the Southern Region. Joslyn van der Moolen. 2018.
To DPI Fisheries Report impact on Corunna and Tilba Tilba ICOLL Lakes. Elizabeth Walton. Corunna Forest Protection Group. 16.09.2018. In response to DPI’s letter: Submission in response to the Rural Lands Planning Proposal Dr Catherine Dale, The General Manager Eurobodalla Shire Council, Moruya NSW 2537. 22.06.2018
To Mr Andrew Constance MP, Member for Bega. Re 50 m VPZ Corunna SF. Joslyn van der Moolen, Friends of the Forest (Mogo). 2018.
To the Hon. Melissa Price MP Minister for the Environment, Subject: Forest threatened species need your help. Heather Kenway. 11.09.2018.
To the EPA re IFOA meetings 2018. SERCA. 07.06.2018
From Michael Hood, Director Forestry, EPA., to Lisa Pfitzner A reply to correspondence to the Minister for the Environment – MD18/991. 03.04.2018.
From Tony Burke to Lisa Pfitzner re RFAs. 26.03.2018
To The Hon. Mark Speakman SC MP. Priorities for koala conservation in NSW. Kevin Evans, CEO. National Parks Association. 15.06.2016.
To State Treasurer, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian, MP., re status of Forest Corp and logging industry. Harriett Swift. SERCA. 25.04.2015
Q and A with Environment Minister Greg Hunt re Measuring logging and burning emissions from State Forests under RFAsMike Thompson. Nature.Net. 06.05.2015.
To Dr Peter Hendy MP, Member for Eden Monaro re Subsidies to the Native Forest Logging Industry. Harriett Swift. 12.12.2013
To Greg Hunt MP Minister for the Environment. Mike Thompson. NatureNet. 01.10.2013
To Mark Butler, Fed. Min for Environment. Threatened Species Day. Heather Kenway. 22.08.2013
To Mr G Whytcross and Mr S Hartley, Environmental Protection Authority re legality of Regional Forest Agreements. Heather Kenway 08.08.2013 | One Stop Chop: How Regional Forest Agreements Streamline Environmental Destruction | MR: One Stop Chop Various groups 31.07.2013
To The Hon Dr Mike Kelly re EPBC Act Heather Kenway. 14.06.2013
To Hon. Mike Kelly MP re National Parks SERCA 14.06.2013
To Hon. Mike Kelly MP re EPBC Act Harriett Swift 12.06.2013
To Minister Greg Hunt and others Question of Trust in Ian McDonald’s role in RFAs. Bronte Somerset. 13.02.2013
To The Hon. Barry &rsquo Farrell, Premier of NSW from Friends of Durras re issue of recreational hunting in NSW National Parks. (Dr) Elizabeth Heyde, Secretary, Friends of Durras. 03.2013
To Ministers Parker and Burke re Tanja State Forests koalas. Jamie Shaw 04.02.2013
To Mike Kelly and Andrew Constance. Environmental Destruction by Logging. Lois Katz. 13.01.2013
From EPA re FNSW and logging of Tanja State forest. To Harriett Swift. Chipstop. 13.09.2012
To Minister for the Environment, Tony Burke, Re 4 Corners program on koalas. Bronte Somerset, 22.08.2012 | Response 25.10.2012
To: Minister for the Environment, Tony Burke, Re Koalas on the Far South Coast of NSW. Harriett Swift 21.08.2012
To Jamie Shaw re Tanja Forest Koalas. Community Meeting Request for Onsight Meeting in Tanja Forest. From: Steve Hartley, Environment Protection Authority 16.08.2012
To Ms Robyn Parker MP, Min for the Env and Heritage. Seán Burke. 14.08.2012
To Ms Robyn Parker MP, Min for the Env and Heritage: Urgent Need For Government Action to Stop Tanja Forest Logging Francis Perkins, National Trust 13.08.2012
To: Mike Kelly, Anthony Albanese And Tony Windsor. To Disallow Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 5) is Controversial 18.03.2012. Harriett Swift 18.03.2012
Open letter to Members of Parliament No RECs for Native Forest Biomass. Australian Forests and Climate Alliance, 12.03.12
From Mike Kelly MP to Heather Kenway re Renewable Energy Credits 24.02.2012
To Andrew Wilkie (MP), Oakeshott Proposal Re Native Forest Biomass Electricity Eligibility to Earn RECs. Heather Kenway, 16.02.12
To Rob Oakeshott (MP) re Wood Powered Energy Harriett Swift 15.02.2011
Environment Minister Robyn Parker Koalas, Lois Katz, 02.11.2011
To Gary Whytcross, Office of Environment and Heritage Evidence of inadequate consultation with relevant groups prior to Logging of Bermagui State forest. Bronte Somerset 01.09.2011
Dr Mike Kelly. Aspects of the Senate Inquiry into Australia’s koala population Bronte Somerset 12.08.2011
Representations on Notice of an Application for Protection of Mumbulla, Murrah, and Bodalla State Forests .pdf | PDF To Dr Christos Mantziaris. Tony Whan 06.08.2011
Mr Barry O’Farrell MP. Dane Wimbush 27.07.2011
The Premier NSW, Eden Region Forestry operations Richard Blakers, 18.07.2011
Letter to FNSW from Sen. Doug Cameron requesting cessation of logging Bermagui State Forest and their response D.Cameron 07.08.2011
To Barry O&rsquoFarrell, Robyn Parker, National Minister for Primary Industries “Please do not log Bermagui Forest”, Harriett Swift 21.06.2011
Bega Valley Shire Councillors who Appropved Pellet Plant Proposal Lois Katz, 17.06.2011
The Premier NSW, Proposed logging of the native forest in Bermagui Lois Katz, SERCA, 13.06.2011
Immindent Logging of Bermagui State Forests To: The Prime Minister; Member for Eden Monaro; Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities; The Premier of NSW; Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Heritage. Bronte Somerset 06.06.2011
Say Yes to climate action From Sen. John Faulkner to Lois Katz, 01.06.2011
To Bega Valley Shire Council: Wood Pellet plant Skye Etherington 05.2011
To OEH Re: Southern South Coast sub-region IFOA Southern RFA Koala habitat logging breaches in Bodalla State Forest. SEFR. 26.05.2011
To Mike Kelley MP re Greens not preferencing ALP. Heather Kenway 29.03.2011
To Tony Burke MP Request to list the koala as vulnerable. Lois Katz 15.01.2011 .pdf 24.9kb
Link broken Letter to the Premier, Ministers and Members of the NSW Parliament. Woodfired Power Station. SERCA Keith Hughes, Convenor 04.10 .pdf 376kb
The Hon Steve Whan, Request for meeting in the South East, and invitation to a tour of logged areas Heather Kenway, SERCA 29.10.10 102kb .pdf
To the Hon Mike Kelly on woodfired powerstations Dan Katz, 08.10 33kb .pdf
To Mr D Gazard and Dr M Kelly in response to both party leaders inaccurately representing opinion from the World Wildlife Fund re biomass burning. Heather Kenway 08.10
To Hon Anthony Albanese MHR, Minister for Regional Development re Native Forest Woodfired Power in Australia Lorraine Bowers, 15.07.10
To Paul McLeay, Minister for Mineral and Forest Resources, Dan Katz, 25.06.10 .pdf 32kb
To all NSW Senators Please vote against using native forest wood for biofuel. Dan Katz 15.06.10 .pdf 40kb
To Senators Forestry crisis: opportunity to burn native forests or stop confrontation? How come the electorate is greener that Labor? Is it vested interests? Prue Acton 06.10 .pdf 60kb
To Prime Minister Wood fired power stations represent a huge threat to Australian, Lauren Caulfield 06.10 .pdf 44kb
To Hon Greg Hunt MP Timber Haulage through tiny Quaama Village, Bronte Somerset 06.10 .pdf 52kb
To Hon Frank Sartor re National Parks and Wildlife Amendment. Lois Katz 06.10 .pdf 44kb
Response from The Hon Peter Garrett to B Somerset .tiff 1mb
Request for Mtg. Hon. Bob Carr, Premier of NSW 1995 – 2005 Prue Acton 06.10 .pdf 44kb
To Ian Macdonald, Minister for Primary Industries Lois Katz 06.10 .pdf 48kb
To Hon Dr M Kelly Opposition to including native forest woodchip burning for power in any sort of energy credits. Dan Katz 05.10 .pdf 32kb
To Andrew Constance When will you stand up to Labor instead of supporting them? Prue Acton 05.10 .pdf 20kb
Response from DECCW to B Somerset’s letter 05.10 118kb .pdf
To Mr Andrew Mattes, Acting Manager, Crown Forestry Policy and Regulation, Dept. Environment, Climate Change and Water. Breach of Eden IFOA-TSL, All Harvest Plans. SEFR. 06.05.2010
To Politicians and Editors Native Forest Logging and RFAs. Dan and Lois Katz 04.10
To Mr Sartor Yurammie Special Prescription Zone (YSPZ) Yurammie State Forest Compartments 963-967. Deb Harris 04.10 104kb .pdf
Response to email by Bronte Somerset to Minister Garrett from the Compliance & Enforcement Branch, Dept of Env., Water, Heritage & the Arts 04.10 196kb .pdf
To the Premier South East Forest Wood Fired Power Station. Clover Moore, Mayor of Sydney 04.10 60k .pdf
To Joe Woodward, Deputy Director-General of DECCW Heather Kenway 04.10 32kb.pdf
To Mr A Abbott Native Forest Logging. Dan Katz 04.10 32kb.pdf
To the Premier Native Forest Logging. Dan Katz 04.10 36kb.pdf
To Steve Hartley South East Forest Rescue 03.10 36kb.pdf
To Greg Hunt Silencing the forests. Bronte Somerset 02.10 64kb.pdf
To Mike Kelly Silencing the forests. Bronte Somerset 02.10 64kb.pdf
To Greg Hunt Australia’s International Policy on Forests and Climate. Prue Acton 07.10 132kb .pdf
Seeking meeting with Premier Prue Acton 19.03 68kb.pdf
To Premier Keneally and Minister Sartor National Parks Tourism Legislation. Noel Plumb, ChipBusters 02.10 .pdf 44kb
To The Hon. Kristina Keneally, Premier of New South Wales Lois Katz 02.10 28kb .pdf
SERCA letter to The Hon. Kristina Keneally M.P. to stop Mumbulla logging. Prue Acton. 25.12.09
To Premier Request to intervene to stop proposed logging. Prue Acton 12.09 72kb .pdf
Email Message to the Prime Minister Election Strategy: State Forests, Environment and Climate Action (2010-2020) Mike Thompson 09.09 72kb.pdf
To Premier and Ministers Bermagui forest: bushfire hazard. Heather Kenway 17.08.09 20kb
Email Message to the Prime Minister Logging in Bermagui forest: request for change in Commonwealth’s position. Heather Kenway 09.09 .pdf 24kb
To Dr M Kelly MP Logging around Bermagui. Bronte Somerset 09.09
To The Hon. Peter Garrett A.M., M.P. Koalas. John Hibberd 08.09 .pdf
To The Hon. I. Macdonald BA, MLC re Gulaga Fires from John Hibberd 08.09 .pdf
To Mr O’Farrell Prue Acton 08.09 .pdf 40kb
To Peter Garrett Heather Kenway, 06.08.09 .pdf 1.4mb including images.
Open To Ian Macdonald MLC, NSW Minister for Forestry, Tony Whan, 04.05.09 .pdf 40kb
To Peter Garrett National Reserve System. Dane Wimbush 04.09 .pdf 56kb
To Ros Kelly, Minister for the Environment Parliament House. Suzanne Sherwood. 09.04.2009